Tuesday 24 January 2017

Waiting to ovulate

So I heard the 9 months waiting for your precious little bundle can drag at the end when you are feeling your biggest and most uncomfortable with swollen ankles and an ever pressing need to pee.

I've also read of the excruciating TWW ( two week wait also known as TWOT - two weeks of torture) when all your hopes are pinned on that line on a pee stick that will show you are pregnant.

No one really talks about that period of time between the day of your first period when you confirm with your fertility clinic you want to go ahead with iui this month and the actual day you ovulate.

I thought I had it cracked. I ovulate between CD (cycle day) 13-15 so first week was easy I was on my period and I just rolled with that. First few days after that I didn't even bother peeing on a stick (POAS).

Then it got to CD10 and I started getting excited that the journey was going to get real soon...

Strangely this month I then noticed some spotting on CD10. Knowing there was no way I was pregnant I googled it and was relieved to read spotting can happen before ovulation as egg is released and ovulation would normally happen a day or two after spotting.

This is where I blame Dr google it's meant that CD11 and CD12 have been me full of expectation waiting for that second line to appear on the pee stick and getting slightly frustrated at nothing appearing. I've even been double checking using my expensive clear blue smiley face/no smiley face sticks. Still nothing.

 Now I'm worrying in case I miss it - I've seen it every other month but what if I miss it this month? The one thing I can mentally do to get pregnant ( the rest is up to my marvellous body - yes I've sunk to giving it lots of compliments) and I'm worried I'll miss it.

Which is really stupid as I'm still not on the cycle days that I normally ovulate on but there you go that's the stage I'm at.

Part of the problem of course is I suck at being patient. Life has tested me time and time again and I've endured waits for test results, waits to get into uni/graduate course/job promotion / moving into new house but although I've done it every time I've sucked at being patient about it . And that's the problem now - every day is now going really slow. Once I've peed on a stick and not got two lines I'm wondering how soon I can pee again.

Tips for anyone else who sucks at waiting:
Phone mum/friend anyone for a chat and talk about them not you
Watch a movie it's long and will suck you in for a good two hours
Take dog for walk
Google anything and everything you have ever wondered

That's about it and I warn you now you will still be looking at clock clutching your pee stick in your hand and thinking it won't hurt just to check once more!

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